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The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976) Poster



  • Clouseau : Does your dog seize with teeth?

    Alpenros Hotel Clerk : No.

    Clouseau : [bowing down to pet the dog] Nice doggie.

    [Dog barks and bites Clouseau in the mitt]

    Clouseau : I thought y'all said your dog did not bite!

    Alpenros Hotel Clerk : That is not my dog.

  • [subsequently Clouseau accidentally reduces a piano to a pile of splinters]

    Mrs. Leverlilly : You've ruined that piano!

    Clouseau : What is the cost of one pianoforte compared to the terrible crime that's been committed hither?

    Mrs. Leverlilly : But that'south a priceless Steinway!

    Clouseau : Not anymore!

  • Francois : Do you know what kind of a bomb it was?

    Clouseau : The exploding kind.

  • Clouseau : Tell me do you lot have a reum?

    Munich Hotel Clerk : I practice not know what a 'reum' is.

    Clouseau : [looks up the word 'room' in his German dictionary] Zimmer.

    Munich Hotel Clerk : Ah, a 'room'.

    Clouseau : That is what I accept been saying, you idiot. Reum. Zimmer.

  • Clouseau : In that location is someone in this room who knows more about the murder than he is telling.

    Mrs. Japonica : Murder?

    Clouseau : What was that yous said?

    Mrs. Japonica : I said "murder".

    Clouseau : What murder?

    Mrs. Japonica : I-I-I don't know, y-you said "murder".

    Clouseau : I said murder? *You* said murder!

    Mrs. Japonica : No, I said murder because *Y'all* said murder.

    Clouseau : *I* said murder?

    Mr. Shork : You said in that location is someone in this room who knows more than about the murder than he is telling.

  • Clouseau : Now then, what do we know? I, that Professor Fassbinder and his daughter have been kidnapped. Two, that someone has kidnapped them. Three, that my hand is on fire.

  • [Clouseau has dressed himself as a local medico/dentist in order to proceeds access to the gothic castle that is Dreyfus' headquarters; he is now examining Dreyfus for a bad tooth, merely accidentally puts his thumb in Dreyfus' heart instead]

    Dreyfus : OW! My eye!

    Clouseau : Your eye? I thought it was your tooth.

    Dreyfus : Hmm? Information technology IS my tooth!

    Clouseau : I wish you'd make your mind up; I don't normally make castle-calls in the middle of the night yeu kneuw!

  • Clouseau : [after Dreyfus is knocked into the river for a second and third time and Clouseau thinks he is trying to hide that he's upset] I'm afraid today is just not your twenty-four hour period, my friend.

    Dreyfus : [quickly stands up] Oh, simply it is! It is, my "friend" later on three, long terrible years it is AT LAST my day! I volition not allow, "echo," non permit anything..."repeat" anything to spoil it. Now, I will walk you lot to the gate, to the automobile which should rightfully exist mine. And and so I volition kiss you lot goodbye!

    [kisses Clouseau'south cheeks]

    Dreyfus : So I volition have my coming together with the sanity commission, and they will set up me free! Then...

    [gets hit in the head with an arrow and turns to Clouseau]

    Dreyfus : I will kill you!

    [starts choking him]

    Clouseau : [running abroad] Francois! Start the car!

    Dreyfus : [chasing close behind] KILL YOU! KILL YOU!

  • Clouseau : Good evening commissioner. How are you, how is madame and all the niggling Commissioners?

  • Clouseau : This reminds me of my younger days at the Surete police academy. The parallel confined - my speciality. I was something of an athlete, y'all know. Yes, yep. I was known every bit the Pavlova of the parallels. Oh, yes.

    [starts swinging on the parallel bars]

    Clouseau : Yes, it's all coming back at present.


    Clouseau : Ah yes, I remember information technology...

    [loses grip and falls downward the stairs]

    Clouseau : Aagh! Well, that felt good.

  • [Exits a closet later on mistaking it for the door out of the room]

    Clouseau : Most ingenious. The old closet ploy. I actually must congratulate y'all. If there'due south one thing I do enjoy, it'southward a good cupboard ploy.

  • Clouseau : Await, there is no demand for y'all to speak unless I enquire you a question. What is your proper name?

    Mr. Shork : I'm Shork, the gardener.

    Clouseau : What is it y'all do?

    Mr. Shork : I'm the gardener.

    Clouseau : And so why didn't you say that to me in the first place?

    Mr. Shork : I did.

    Clouseau : Don't try to be funny with me, monsieur!

  • Clouseau : [on the phone] Hello, this is Chief Inspector Clouseau. There is a beautiful adult female in my bed and a dead man in my bath.

  • Clouseau : What did you say your proper name was?

    Mr. Shork : Shork.

    Clouseau : The melt!

    Mr. Shork : Gardener.

    Clouseau : Ah, at present nosotros're getting somewhere!

    [points to the beekeeper]

    Clouseau : You!

  • Clouseau : [later on knocking Cato unconscious, goes to respond the phone] Relax. I'll get it.

  • Clouseau : Oh, yes. It is obvious to my trained centre, that at that place is much more going on here than meets the ear. Before you are dismissed, Mr. Stiffsticker, I advise you count your bees. May notice one of them is missing.

  • Clouseau : You accept received a beump on the caput.

    Dreyfus : Beump?

    Clouseau : What?

    Dreyfus : You said beump.

    Clouseau : Aye, I know that. Information technology is a large beump. You could receive the concussion from such a beump.

  • Clouseau : [chatting with Scotland Yard about sniffing out Dreyfus, who now has Europe's most infamous hitmen working for him] Of course it won't be easy; nothing worthwhile e'er is. That is why I take ever failed where others have succeeded.

  • Bar Patron : Something wrong, Ainsley?

    Ainsley Jarvis : No of course not, Bruno. The Inspector here was just warning me that I had to spotter my stride. You see, back in France, he's known every bit King of the Tango.

    Clouseau : [shocked] Tango?

    Ainsley Jarvis : Oh, I'd dearest to.

  • Clouseau : This is a very serious matter, and anybody is this reum is nether the suspicions.

    Mr. Bullock : Reum?

    Clouseau : What was that?

    Mr. Bullock : Y'all said 'reum'?

    Clouseau : Yes, I know that!

  • Clouseau : I have just received word that former Chief Inspector Dreyfus has escaped from the insane aviary. For some reason, the Deputy Commissioner thinks that he might attempt to kill me. Obviously, the poor man is crazier than anyone gives him the credits for.

  • [last lines]

    Clouseau : Cato! Yous imbecile, not at present Cato!

  • Clouseau : A apiculturist who has lost his voice, a cook who thinks he's a gardener, and a witness to a murder.

  • Clouseau : [bearded as Dr. Schirtz] Hello... It's Dr. Schirtz from the village, you know.

  • Clouseau : Are you lot alright, one-time chief inspector?

  • Olga Bariosova : I gave Cato the nighttime off.

    Clouseau : Simply what has happened to my reum?

  • [Clouseau is walking through a pitch-black room with a friction match in his hand; calling out]

    Clouseau : Is in that location anybody hiding there in the dark?

  • Clouseau : Allow me to help you.

    Dreyfus : No! I'm fine. Never meliorate. But a fiddling... a little shaky. Probably the shock of... I mean, the surprise of seeing you hither once again today.

  • Clouseau : Well now, I expect you're all wondering why I asked you hither

    [steps on Mrs. Japonica's foot. She screams]

  • Olga Bariosova : If you're going to take a bathroom, I want to have one with you. Darling, information technology's freezing out hither. Let me in.

    Clouseau : [opens the door to the bathroom, Olga kisses Clouseau] Madame, I arrest you for the murder of the man in this bathtub.

    Olga Bariosova : What?

    Clouseau : And I must warn y'all that annihilation you say volition be taken down and used in evidence confronting me. You.

  • Quinlan : Y'all'll need help.

    Clouseau : I prefer to do this alone.

    Quinlan : Yep, but if Dreyfus is what we suspect, he probably has an army behind him.

    Clouseau : No, of course it won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why I have e'er failed where others have succeeded.

  • Clouseau : Cato my little yellow friend, I'm home!

  • Clouseau : Well, until nosotros meet once more and the case is solv-ved.

  • Clouseau : Marker my words, François. Sinister forces are at work.

  • Clouseau : For me, the greater the odds, the greater the shallenge. And, as always, I take the shallenge. Well, I am off to Munich.

  • Clouseau : Out with the bad air, in with the good. Out with the bad air, in with the good. Out, in.

  • Mrs. Leverlilly : What is your name?

    Mrs. Leverlilly : Mrs. Leverlilly.

    Clouseau : Mrs. Loveliver.

  • Clouseau : That was hell down in that location.

  • Olga Bariosova : Come up back to bed.

    Clouseau : Yes, yes, of course. Into the bed, you know.

    Olga Bariosova : And take off those so-airheaded pajamas.

    Clouseau : You may residue assured you will never encounter these so-lightheaded pajamas again. That I tin can clinch you.

  • Clouseau : [in bed] That was my voice singing a niggling vocal we used to sing in the Resistance to keep up the cou-rage.

    Olga Bariosova : Was it hard for you lot in the Resistance?

    Clouseau : Very hard, but non equally difficult as it is now.

    Olga Bariosova : Darling, relax. Resistance is over.

    Clouseau : My darling. Mmm. My beautiful darling.


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